Tractor Pull Guidelines
Modified Stock Rules
Modified Farm STOCK
Revised – 2024
1 Seat Belt Required. (New - Jan. 2024)
2. All general and safety rules apply to farm stock class.
3. Maximum tire sizes per weight class are:
5500 & 6000 lb. – 18.4×38
4. Any cut tires.
5. Any tractor with a roll cage must wear helmet/seat belt.
6. EXHAUST: All exhaust pipes must be straight up with no curves or bends.
Pro Farm Turbo Rules
Pro Farm Turbo 9,500 and 10,500 lb.
Revised – Dec. 2021
1. Rules: All General Rules and Safety Rules apply to the Turbo Class unless otherwise specified in the following rules.
2. Engine: Engine, not to exceed 585 ci, must be of same manufacture as tractor with the same number of cylinders (i.e. an International tractor must have an International engine). Engine must bolt in manufacturer’s intended location.
3. Intercooler: Only factory equipped intercoolers using engine coolant allowed.
4. Engine RPM: Engine is not to exceed 3000 RPM while pulling. Tractor must have an ISSpro #01R8906 magnetic pick-up with 14-16 gauge 110v wire attached to 3 prong female plug accessible to the sled. Wire must be one continuous wire outside of frame rails and be visible with no splices.
5. Charger: 3 inlet 3 exhaust Injector Pump: Any pump up to and including a Bosch P-Pump. 3” inlet 3” exhaust to be measured inside of inlet and exhaust housing. (Revised - Dec. 2021)
6. Water Injection: Water injection allowed. No pressurized tank systems are allowed.
7. Maximum tire sizes: 20.8 x 38 any cut tires allowed.
8. Hitch Opening: Hitch opening size requirements 3 ¾ inch front to back and 3 inch side to side. Note: No loose clevis are to be used. (Revised – Dec. 2017)
9. Frame Modifications: Frame modifications with approval of tech committee and no component tractors
10. EXHAUST: All exhaust pipes must be straight up with no curves or bends. (New – Jan. 2020)
Protest Rule: If a tractor is protested, the protest must be made to a member of the Tech Committee by a competitor in same class either before the pull starts or before the tractor in question leaves the pulling track. A protest fee of $500 must be paid by protester, which will go to protestee if the tractor is found to be legal. All points and prize money for that pull will be forfeited, protest fee returned to protester, and protestee barred from pulling at club sanctioned pulls for one year, if tractor found to be illegal or refusal of tear down.
Pro Farm Turbo Safety Rules
Turbo Safety Rules 9,500 & 10,500 lb.
Revised – Jan. 2020
1. Air Kill: A positive air kill device must be placed on the inlet side of the charger to prevent the ability to build boost. The cable or linkage used to activate this device must be accessible to the sled and driver while in seated position.
2. Exhaust Pipe: Two 3/8 inch, Grade 5 mm. bolts must be placed at 90 degrees and less than 1 inch apart in the pipe and after the charger outlet.
3. Hood Line: All Chargers must be under the stock hood or be shielded 360 degrees. If hood is fiberglass charger must be shielded.
4. Side Shields: If side shields are used they must be made of either 0.060-inch mm thickness aluminum or 0.030-inch mm. thickness steel. If used, shields must cover the entire engine compartment. Side shields must be easily removable.
5. Dead Man Throttle: Throttle must be spring loaded or otherwise made so that, if released, the engine returns to an idle while running.
6. Fire Extinguisher: All tractors are to carry a working ABC or Halon type extinguisher that is readily accessible to the driver while in the seated position.
7. Tip-over Bars: Required as per Safety Rules.
8. Roll Cage: A roll cage with 5 point harness may be used. ROPS is REQUIRED with quick release seat belt. Must be able to lift one rear wheel when pulled horizontally from top of the ROPS/Cage without damage to the ROPS/Cage.
9. EXHAUST: All exhaust pipes must be straight up with no curves or bends. (New – Jan. 2020)
Altered Farm Stock Rules
9,500/10,000# — 8 MPH
Revised – Jan. 2024
1. Drivers must be able to safely maintain control of tractor at all times. Those under 18 years of age must have parental/guardian permission.
2. No year limit on age of tractor.
3. Speed limit will be 8 mph– -3 horn blows.
3A. When speed board is used-no horns (New Jan. 2024)
4. Tractors must have a stock engine or their factory replacement. Engines are to remain unchanged in outside appearance.
5. The Hood, Grill, Frame, (revised - Jan.2024) Transmission, Rear End, and Axel must be for that make and model and must maintain stock appearance and dimension.
6. All manifolds must be from the same manufacturer and must bolt in stock location without modification. Manifolds may be altered to fit turbo under hood. M&W OK.
7. 3000 RPM Maximum. [Engine RPM: Engine is not to exceed 3000 RPM while pulling. Tractor must have an ISSpro #01R8906 magnetic pick-up with 14-16 gauge 110v wire attached to 3 prong female plug accessible to the sled. Wire must be one continuous wire outside of frame rails and be visible with no splices. (new Jan. 2020) ]. The governor lever must come to the governor stop on all injection pumps.
8. Single Turbo Charger Only.
9. 18.4 x 38 maximum tire size. Radials allowed. Top Cut tires allowed.
10. Wheelie bars are mandatory. Kill switches/air shut-offs recommended (Revised - Jan. -2024).
11. Draw bar must not exceed 20 inches in height or be less than 18 inches from the center of the axle to the hooking point. No part of the draw bar may extend rearward beyond the point of hook. Draw bars must be stationary in all directions. No clevises.
12. Total length of tractor is to be a maximum of 12 feet from the center of the rear axle to the furthest point forward, including weights. Weight brackets may be used.
13. Any jerking of sled or side stepping clutch will result in disqualification.
14. Drivers must stay on the seat of the tractor at all times. Hands must be on the steering wheel, hand clutch, or throttle. Feet must stay on platform at all times during the pull.
15. Any tractor or puller found to be unsafe or illegal may be disqualified or barred from hooking. No alcoholic beverages will be permitted during pull.
16. Any tractor parts falling off (weights, etc.) while hooked to the sled will result in disqualification.
17. Judge’s or promoter’s decision is final at all times during the pull.
18. Any tractor with a roll cage must wear helmet/seat belt. (New Jan. 2017)
19. EXHAUST PIPE: Must have (2) 3/8”, grade 5, bolts through exhaust pipe (must make cross in pipe) as close to turbo as possible. (New – Jan. 2020)
20. EXHAUST: All exhaust pipes must be straight up with no curves or bends. (New – Jan. 2020)
AFPA 5-MPH Top Cut (New March 2024).
Speed Limit will be year tractor allowed.5mph - 3 horn blows
1A. When speed board is used - No horns.
15.5 x 38 maximum tire size. Radials allowed. Top cut or non-cut tires only.
Any year tractor allowed.
Any engine modification/repower allowed. Maximum 6 cylinder. Inline configuration only. Forced induction allowed. Gasoline, LP, or Diesel fuel only.
Must have tractor rear end and sheet metal, aftermarket frame rails and altered wheelbase allowed. Sheet metal and rear end do not have to be like kind.
A fire extinguisher is mandatory on all tractors.
Working kill switch is required on all tractors.
Any tractor turning 3000RPM must have high speed fan or electric fan, dead man throttle, and safety blanket, steel scatter shield 8” wide x 3/8” thick 360 degrees around clutch housing, or SFI approved explosion proof bell housing.
Exhaust: All exhaust pipes must be straight up with no curves or bends. If running a turbo, one of the three following methods of containment MUST be present in the exhaust as close to the turbo as possible. 4 x 3/8” Grade 5 bolts, 2 x 1/2” grade 5 bolts spaced less than 1” apart in the pipe, or a turbo containment ring. All turbos must be shielded 360 degrees. If hood is fiberglass, charger must be shielded.
Operator’s seat must be sturdy. NO flat seats, must be at least a pan style.
Weights, brackets, or any part of the tractor may not extend forward more than 11 feet from the center of the rear axle or rearward past the plane of the rear tires. Front weights must be secured. Rear weights may not be mounted on any part of the 3-point hitch.
Drawbar may be no shorter than 18 inches from the centerline of the rear axle to the point of hook and no higher than 20 inches and stationery in all directions with a hitch opening size requiremens: 3 3/4 inch front to back and 3 inch side to side. No Loose clevis to be used.
Tip-over bars required. Minimum requirements are: Tip=over bars must be attached to drawbar. Pads are to be 5 inches square and 20 inches appart. Pads must be 5 inches behind the plane of rear tire and a maximum of 10 inches above ground. Tip-over bars must support weight of tractor in its heaviest class. Jacking up tractor pads is test of strength and tech committee may perform this test.
The first puller, who will be the test puller in each class, has the option to keep the pull or drop to third position or last, In pull-off, there will be no test puller.
If the puller attempts to stop before the 75-foot mark, the puller will be given one restart.
If the tractor touches the boundary line during the pull, except after 300feet, the tractor will be disqualified.
If any weight or part falls to the ground while hooked to the sled, the tractor is disqualified. If due to internal breakage, a measurement will be taken.
Big Bend Farm Antique Club Antique Pulling Rules
Normal Weight Classes (Subject to Change)
3.5 MPH - 4500, 5000, 5500, 6000, 6500, 7000, 8000, 8500
5.0 MPH - 5000, 5500, 6000, *6000 will be a jackpot payback
Tractor Eligible for Pull: Naturally aspirated antique and classic tractors whose series were produced in 1959 and earlier. Engines must be of the same make and number of cylinders as originally equipped. No headers or homemade manifolds. (intake or exhaust). Single exhaust unless originally equipped otherwise. Custom or modified wheels, hubs, front axels, or lower bolster are allowed, but distance from front to rear axles must remain as original. (No altered wheelbase). Propane is allowed as a primary fuel source. (No propane or nitrous injection).
Driver Requirements: All drivers must be 18 years or older or have written consent of a parent or guardian. Each driver/parent must sign a release before pulling. Those under 18 must have wheelie bars able to support the weight of the tractor and must be checked. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to get the tractor checked or be disqualified with no refund of entry money. Any driver “needing assistance” either on the tractor or on the track, once their pull is underway, shall be considered an exhibition pull. Break away kill switch is required for drivers under 18. Current valid club membership card must be presented at registration.
Entrants Requirements: If there are 10 or less tractors in a class two hooks will be allowed with separate drivers. Only one prize money per tractor will be paid. All hook fees are $15. No less than three hooks are required to constitute a class.
Tires Allowed: 4500 through 7000 15.5x38 max. 8000 and above 18.4x38 max. The leading edge of the tread bar cannot be altered in any way. Top cut is allowed.
Speed Requirements: 3.5 MPH and 5.0 MPH rules are the same. Any horn beyond 100 ft. will result in disqualification. (No warning horns). Distance cones are for driver’s visual reference only. Any distance decisions will be at the sled operator’s discretion, based on monitor readings.
Drawbar Requirements: Max height of 20 inches, and minimum length of 18 inches from center of rear axle to point of pull ring or clevis. Drawbar must be ridged in all directions and not adjustable from driver’s seat. A pull ring or twisted clevis is required. Must start from a tight chain. Jerking of the sled at any time will be cause for disqualification. Weights or brackets must not interfere with hitching or unhitching. “Center of axle” for all applicable measurements is understood to be the wheel hub.
Safety Requirements: Wheelie bars are recommended, but not required, except for drivers under 18. (See rule #2). Drivers must remain in the seat, hands on wheel, hand brakes, clutch, or throttle during their pull. Any weight or part (except fluid) lost on the track while hooked to the sled is grounds for disqualification. A running tractor must be attended by a responsible person at all times.
Weight Requirements: Fronted mounted weights max of 11ft. from center of rear axle. Wheel weights cannot extend beyond 12inches from side of the tire. Rear mounted weights cannot extend beyond the rear most plane of the tires. All weights must be secured.
Weigh-In: Weigh-in will begin 1 hour before the first class. After Weigh-in, tractors must remain in the staging area. If tractor returns to the pit area, it must be re-weighed or be disqualified. Please keep weight and hitch adjustments to a minimum while at the scales.
Pulling procedures: Entrants will pull in order of lottery drawing. First puller in each weight class will be considered the “test puller” and has the option to re-pull in the third position. Should the test puller be disqualified for cause on their first attempt, the re-pull option is VOID and the test puller designation will revert to the next puller in the scheduled order. All pullers will be allowed two attempts to move the sled within the 75ft. Mark.
Rules Non-Compliant: Any eligible tractor, not rules compliant will be allowed to pull exhibition only at the end of the class. Hook fee is $15 and must be a club member. Speed and hitch rules still apply.
Summary: Puller bears the responsibility of verification for any compliance issues that may come into question. Our most important rule is “be safe and have fun”. You know what you have, don’t rock the boat, nobody falls out.
Tractor pull officials have final judgement over all aspects of pull & rules.
Big Bend Farm Antiques Club will not be held responsible for accidents, lost or damaged items brought about by the participants, or negligence of any entrant or driver at the pull. All pullers must be club members. Dues are $10 per year and covers from January through December. Under 18 years of age are free from membership requirements when accompanied by a paid parent/guardian.
For info contact: Tony Carnahan: 740-416-8707, John Ohlinger: 304-882-2422, Glen Kennedy: 740-742-2133, Ralph Kelvington: 304-812-7133, Rusty Carnahan: 740-416-1590, Noah Hysell: 740-591-4034, or Dave Wilcox: 740-742-2278.