General/Safety Pull Rules

General Rules
(Revised – Dec. 2021)

Hitch: Tractor & Truck pullers hitch opening size requirements: 3 ¾ inch front to back and 3 inch side to side. Note: No loose clevis are to be used. (Revised – Dec. 2017)

1.     Engine must be of same manufacture as tractor with same number of cylinders. Must bolt in manufacturer’s intended location without modification.
2.     Gas, diesel, Bio Diesel Allowed, or LP fuels only. No fuel additives. No pressurized bottles. American Farm Pullers Association may check fuel at their discretion (Revised Dec. 2021).
3.     No downdraft or fuel injected carburetors. No water injection of any kind. No P pumps in modified stock. Manifolds may be homemade. No headers.
4.     Turbo chargers allowed in Turbo Class only.
5.     All tractors must have stock frames, transmissions, and axle housings.
6.     Weights, brackets, or any part of the tractor may not extend forward more than 11 feet from the center of the rear axle or rearward past plane of the rear tires. Turbo class is allowed 13 feet from center of axle foward.
7.     Drawbar may be no shorter than 18 inches from the centerline of the rear axle to the point of hook and no higher than 20 inches and stationary in all directions with a 3-inch opening in drawbar or clevis.
8.     Tractor not required to have PTO.
9.     A factory 70 or more horsepower must pull 7500# or above. (Removed – Dec. 2017)
10.  If 5 or less pullers in a weight class, two entries per tractor allowed, but only one can place.
11.  The first puller, who will be the test puller in each class, has the option to keep the pull or drop to third position or last. In pull-off, there will be no test puller.
12.  If the puller attempts to stop before the 75-foot mark, the puller will be given one restart.
13.  If the tractor touches the boundary line during the pull, except after 300 feet, the tractor will be disqualified.
14.  If any weight or part falls to the ground while hooked to the sled, the tractor is disqualified. If due to internal breakage, a measurement will be taken.
15.  Tractor & Truck pullers hitch opening size requirements: 3 ¾ inch front to back and 3 inch side to side. No loose clevis are to be used. (Revised – Dec. 2017)
16.  We want NO ALCOHOL at AFPA events. Consequences for those who abuse alcohol at pulls.
17.  The one time free pass is NO LONGER VALID.
18.  FUEL TEST: All tractors or trucks using diesel fuel will be checked. If the sample melts a Styrofoam cup (5 minutes), you are disqualified.
19.  WATER INJECTION TEST: Any tractor or truck using water injection will be checked. If the sample, using a lighter, flashes you are disqualified.
20.  EXHAUST: All exhaust pipes must be straight up with no curves or bends. (New – Jan. 2020)

Safety Rules

1.     Front weights must be secured by metal pin or bracket.
2.     Any tractor turning over 3000RPM must have high speed fan or electric fan, dead man throttle, and safety blanket or steel scatter shield 8″ wide x 3/8″ thick, 360 degrees around clutch housing.
3.     All tractors are recommended to have fenders and side shields.
4.     A fire extinguisher is mandatory on all tractors.
5.     Weights may not be mounted on any part of 3 point hitch.
6.     Tip-over bars required. Minimum requirements are:
·        Tip-over bars must not be attached to drawbar.
·        Pads are to be 5 inches square and 20 inches apart.
·        Pads must be 5 inches behind plane of rear tire and a maximum of 10 inches above ground.
·        Tip-over bars must support weight of tractor in it’s heaviest class.
·        Jacking up tractor by pads is test of strength and tech committee may perform this test.
7.     Working kill switch is required on all tractors.
8.     Any contestant under 18 years of age must have one parent or guardian sign release of liability before pulling.
9.     Tech committee may inspect tractors at any time.
10.  The Tech committee will enforce all rules and rule on any unforeseen problems or oversights and their ruling will be final.
11.  All tractors must have high back seat.
12.  EXHAUST: All exhaust pipes must be straight up with no curves or bends. (New – Jan. 2020)