Demolition Derby Rules

Demolition Derby Rules

Preparation of the Derby Car

  1. Remove all glass including windshields, rear windows, head and tail lights, rolling down windows will not be permitted.

  2. Molding strips and bottom portion of the back seat must be removed.

  3. Must have stock suspension. No reinforced springs are permitted.

  4. No special bumpers or reinforcements will be allowed, no reinforced rods from the frame throughout the trunk or hood will be permitted.

  5. welded solid or chained down engine mounts are recommended.

  6. radiators must remain in the original position or be taken off the car.

  7. Front and rear bars from side to side are permitted and must be covered.

  8. All doors must be fastened shut by wire, strapes, or chains for the driver’s safety. Weld 5 on 5 off on all doors. No more than a 5x3 plate.

  9. Strapes welded on door shall not be over 3 inches in width.

  10. Only 1 battery of any size is permitted. Battery must be placed on the floor board of the driver’s compartment and securely fastened and covered.

  11. Cutting fenders for wheel clearance only is permitted. Also, ends of the bumpers may be cut off.

  12. Hoods and trunks may be wired in 8 places with 2 strands of wire per hole. Wiring must be from sheet metal to sheet metal. You can wire the hood around the front bumper in 4 places with 2 double strands. No Bolting!!!!

  13. No extra bolts in the car are permitted anywhere including body mounts.

  14. There must be at least a 12 inch hole cut in the deck lid for Driver’s visibility.

  15. Stock gas tanks must be removed from the original position and placed in the back seat area positioned no further forward than the rear of the front seat. The tank must be securely fastened to the floor and covered. A portable gas tank is recommended in place of the original. Gas lines and fittings must be secured and leak proof. Metal or rubber lines are permitted only. No plastic lines. Track officials will be given final approval on all gas lines!!!!

  16. All demolition cars must be free from all trash that may be ejected from the car causing injury to other drivers and spectators. All glass must be removed and swept out of the car.

  17. Each driver and mechanic must sign in at the registration desk the day of the derby and have the car inspected at least 1 hour before the event. Failure to comply with the inspection will result in disqualification of said car.

  18. It is recommended that the driver door be reinforced inside with a steel bar, angle iron or pipe. However, said reinforcement shall not extend more than 8 inches on either end of the driver door.

  19. It is mandatory that an opening be cut in the hood over the carburetor. Headers must be through the hood.

  20. Double tires are fine. Any tire is allowed. No studs or screws in rims to hold tires on. No valve stem protectors or bead protectors allowed. Uni lug centers are permitted. 5 lug rear end only, factory rear ends.

  21. It is also recommended that a strong wire or nylon mesh screen be placed in the driver window, or a bar must be from sheet metal to sheet metal.

  22. No welded washers allowed on any part of the car.

  23. Front bumper can be welded to the frame. You can square frame only. Do not shorten. Frame shocks must be removed. Stock bumpers only or bumper shocks can be welded to the bumper. Shocks can be collapsed. You can weld shock in factory location. Only 4 inches can be welded to the frame. DO NOT shorten shocks.

  24. A arms must have 2 inch shock travel.

  25. Mini cars must be less than 108 inch wheel base. Mini cars are subject to all rules and regulations as regular cars. (4 cylinder or 6 cylinder FWD or RWD).

  26. Safety belts, AMD approved helmets along with face guards and googles are required.

  27. No deliberate hitting on driver side door.

  28. Cars must be parked in designated parking areas.

  29. A car will be disqualified if the driver door opens during the event.

  30. If an accidental hit to the driver door happens, than a warning will be placed on the car hitting the driver door. If a second hit to the original car or another driver door occurs, the driver may be disqualified.

  31. A one minute time limit is enforced by track officials for re-starts and making competitive contact with another vehicle. Hits must be aggressive, simple hits within the time limit does not constitute combat and could be considered sand bagging.

  32. Sand bagging is prohibited and disobeying warnings of such from track officials could result in disqualification of said driver and car.

  33. A $100 protest is required to contest another vehicle.

  34. A fire extinguisher is recommended within close reach or within the driver compartment.

  35. Motor swaps are allowed. must be in rubber mount welded to the frame. No extra metal to be used. Must use factory cross member. You may use a 2x6x1/8 metal strip from motor mount to frame only.

  36. Once a decision is made the result is final and will not be changed!!!!

  37. No engine cradles or distributer protector. No slider drive shafts. Must have stock steering column.

  38. Body mount bolts may not be changed. Must be stock mounts.


There will also be an outlaw class for big cars.

Mini Street Stock

For any questions call Doyle McDonald at (740)645-4056

Find us on Facebook at 333 Derby Promotions


1. Any American made hard top car. 4 or 6 cylinder with a wheelbase of 108in or less. Front or rear wheel drive.

2. Helmet, Long Sleeves, Gloves, and eye protection must be worn.

3. No painting the frames.

4. You must have a 12x12 inch roof sign, it cannot strengthen the car.

5. All glass and loose debris must be cleaned out of the car prior to inspection.

6. You must remove the factory battery and place it inside of the car and properly secure it. Only one battery.

7. No driver door hits or driving with your driver’s door. Building the Car

8. The engine and mounts must remain stock. You can weld a 2x6x1/8 strap, only from the mounts to the frame.

9. You must use the factory cross member, no welding.

10. Doors must be wired or chained. They cannot be more than 8 places and the bottom wires can go around the frame in two places. No bigger than 5/16 chain and two stands of nine wire. Or weld 5 on 5 off 3x5x1/8inch strap only. You can weld driver door solid.

11. Trunks can be wired down in 8 places or welded in 6 places. Your choice of one or the other (not both). Cannot be more than 8 places with 2 around the bumper. If welding, you must use 2inch x 5inch strap.

12. The car must have two 12x12inch inspection holes in the trunk lid. You can only crease quarter panels, do not fold over.

13. The hood may be wired in 8 places and 2 can go around the bumper. Must be sheet metal to sheet metal and only two strands of nine wire, or you can bolt in 4 places. Your choice but cannot do both. Hood must be open for inspection. If using core support for bolting hood, must be on top of core support. Cannot come through K Frame.

14. Remove the hood latches. The hood must also have a 12x12inch hole. (Headers are allowed).

15. Any tires are permitted double tires, but no foam filled, valve protectors or bead protectors.

16. The stock gas tanks must be removed and replaced inside of the car with a fuel cell or boat tank. Please double clamp all fuel lines. NO TANKS UNDER THE CAR OR YOU WILL NOT RUN!!!!

17. Only stock springs and shocks, no solid suspension. You are allowed to screw in type spring risers. Cars must have a bounce. Do not short shock the cars.

18. You must use the factory rear-ends for that car. No changing of the rear-ends.

19. You can weld your spider gears and run a gear.

20. You must use the stock axles.

21. You will be allowed a 3x3 Four-point cage. Must be sheet metal to sheet metal only. The back bar must be 12inches off the floor plan. The two side bars cannot go past post more than 8inches in the back, no more than 6inches in the front. You can have a gas tank protector 24 inches wide off the back bar, must be 2inch gap from kick pan. However, you cannot bolt or weld to the sheet metal.

22. You can have a roll bar, your choice. It cannot be welded or bolted to the top of the car or door post. Must be 2inches off the top of the car.

23. You can run 2 strands of 9GA from the top of the windshield to the dash.

24. You can chain or wire the back coil springs. Remember, the car MUST bounce. BUMPERS

25. You can have a 10inch 2x2 tubing as a shock or you are allowed to collapse the shocks and weld around the shock. (10inches from the back of the bumper). No shocks inside frame. They must be on the outside if you hardnose the car. DO NOT shorten the frame. You may cut 2inches off of the frame for the purpose of welding your 4x6x1/4 plate to secure your bumper. NO strapping of any kind from bumper to frame.

26. The plate for the back and front of the bumper cannot exceed 1⁄4 ‘x6’x6’ piece of flat metal.

27. Bumpers that are allowed: DEC Bumper, Steve Robinson, or Smith Metal Works Bumpers. It can be loaded, or you can replace the front bumper with 1⁄4 ‘x 4’ x 6’ square tubing. Pointy bumpers will be allowed on mini cars. 8in spread over 34inches.

28. No patching of rust is allowed unless you have contacted an official.

29. Body mount bolts must stay stock.

30. No cross breeding of motors. It MUST be the factory make for that car.

31. You will have a 1-minute time limit to restart and make competitive hits.

32. NO SANDBAGGING!!!!! You will receive two warnings, after that, you’re out! No double teaming will be allowed!

33. If your car catches on fire, you’re out.

34. No washers on hoods or trunk holes.

35. You can have 4 fix it plates, 3x3x 1/4 ‘only! It will be enforced. If bigger, you will be asked to cut the size. No double stacking of the plates. You must have at least 3’ space between the plates.

36. An aftermarket steering column is allowed.

37. Aftermarket gas/brake pedal are allowed.

38. You can reinforce tie rod ends with half inch rebar or rolled stock. 1⁄2inch max. If it’s not in the rules, don’t do it or you will not run!! At any point of time before, during, or after the Derby the inspectors have the right to re-inspect your car. If something is found, you will be disqualified!! The officials’ decisions are final, no arguing or you will be loaded and asked to leave. Absolutely no alcohol or fighting!! It WILL NOT be tolerated. No refunds for car not passing inspection in ANY class (Big car, Mini Car and Limited Build).

V8 Big Car Stock Rules

For any questions please contact Colin Hill at (740)645-6213

1. Any year American made hardtop car. No hearses, limos, el Camino’s or imperials allowed. No switching sub frames in Chryslers. No Painting of the frame.

2. Helmet, long sleeves, gloves and eye protection must be worn. All glass and loose debris must be cleaned from the car prior to inspection.

3. Battery must be moved inside the car and securely fastened. Two batteries are allowed.

4. No driver's door hits or driving with the driver’s door. If you are driving with the driver’s door we will not say anything to the car that hit you.

5. No arguing or you will be loaded and asked to leave! If we find anything inside your frame you will not get the chance to cut or fix it will be an instant disqualification!!

6. Engines and mounts must be stock for the make and model of that car. No aftermarket mounts will be allowed. Must be factory motor. Ford to Ford, Chevy to Chevy, etc.

7. No mid plate, cradle, chains, welding or etc. You’ll be loaded if you stretch this rule.

8. Must use the factory cross member, no angle or square tube, cross member must bolt in no welding.

9. Must be factory driveshaft no sliders will be allowed.

10. Any factory leaf spring car must remain factory leafs no staggering or changing in anyway. If it is a coil spring car it must remain coil spring.

11. No hump plates or bracing of rearend allowed.

12. Doors must be fastened shut. You can chain wire or weld. If chaining or wiring you can use 8 doubled strands of 9 wire the bottom wires can go around the frame in 2 places only. If welded, must be 5 on 5 off 1/8”x 3”x 5” strap max.

13. Trunks can be wired or welded shut, if wired you are allowed 8 places 2 of which may go around the frame. If welded you are allowed 6 places 1/8” x 3” x 5” plates max 2 on each side of the trunk and 2 to the speaker deck.

14. You may tuck the trunk lid, but trunk must have inspection hole big enough for us to look through.

15. Speaker deck must remain in the factory location and factory height.

16. You may crease quarters but they must stay factory height they cannot be rolled over.

17. Hoods may be wired in 8 places with a double strand of 9 wire 2 spots may wrap around the bumper. Or you may bolt the hood down in 6 places using no bigger than 2” x 2” angle. You may weld no bigger than a half in bolt to top of core support in order to bolt through the hood these may not run through the core support!

18. Hood latches must be removed and there must be at least a 12” x 12” hole cut in the hood. You may bolt around the opening.

19. Stock gas tanks can be removed and replaced with a fuel cell or a bolt style tank mounted inside the car. Tanks must be securely fastened. If stock tank is left in it must be drilled and drained of all fuel.

20. If your tank leaks you will not be allowed to run.

21. You may use screw in type spring risers or strut Spacers.

22. Suspension must bounce no locking it out period.(TIRE BOUNCE DOESN’T COUNT) If you abuse this rule we will make you cut!

23. Bumpers can be no more than 22” from the ground to the bottom of the bumper. Rear frame must be no lower than 14” from the bottom of the frame. Measuring from back body mount hole. Absolutely no wedging to create a frame flipper.

24. Must use factory rear end for that make and model of car. You may run a gear. And you are allowed to weld it posi.

25. You will be allowed a four point cage 5” x 5” max tubing. This means you can’t have anything that measures past 5” in diameter.

26. Door bars can’t go past the kick pan in passenger compartment. Dash bar must be 5” Away from the center most point of the firewall and must have a 1 inch gap off the tunnel. Must be sheet metal to sheet metal only. The back bar must be 12 inches off the floor pan. You are allowed a 24” gas tank protector must be floating. Must have a 2” gap from package tray.

27. No kickers of any kind. If it is not for safety and strengthens the car you will cut it. You will not be allowed to run anything from the dash bar or seat bar down to the transmission cross member no ratchet straps, chain binders, or 9 wire!

28. You may use 2 strands of 9 wire from the roof through the dump holes in the back one on each side of the car. If you stretch this rule you will lose it!

29. 03 and newer can swap out aluminum spindles for steel. 2002 and down can swap out wishbone a-arm with 80s style upper. (IF THIS IS ABUSED WILL GO BACK TO NO SWAPPING)

30. Ball joints most be factory, no aftermarket style ball joints.

31. You may load the front bumper. Must bolt or weld in factory location.

32. Any bumper permitted except Chrysler pointy. you may also run fab bumpers. If you fab your own bumper tubing must be 1⁄4” x 4” x 4” x 60” max.

33. You may collapse the shock and weld around it shock must remain in factory location. If you hard nose the car no shocks allowed inside the frame.

34. You are NOT!! Allowed to shorten the frame.

35. Bumpers may be welded to front of the frame with 1/4” x 4” x 4” plate max. No bumper shocks on the outside of the frame.

36. No patching of rust is allowed unless you have contacted an official.

37. All body mounts must remain stock. No changing the 2 front mounts or altering in anyway.

38. No cold bending, pitching, tilting, or welding of the frame in any way!! This will be strongly enforced!!

39. No altering the flaps on the boxes!

40. You are allowed a front window bar 2” max width can run from the roof of the car to the dash. Must not strengthen the car in any way. Or you may run 2 pieces of 9 wire form the roof to the top of the dash.

41. Any tires are permitted no beadlocks studded tires or foam filled. Lip guards and valve stem protectors are ok.

42. On 03 and newer fords you’re not allowed to plate over the body mount hole in the bottom of the frame behind the a arm!

43. You will have one minute time limit to restart and make a competitive hit

44. If your car catches on fire you are out.

45. No double teaming. You will be warned once if it continues you will be out. If it is down to 3 cars and you and your buddy are double teaming you will derby for 1 minute while the other car watches if you continue to double team you will be thrown out! 46. No washers on hood or trunk holes

47. Aftermarket steering columns are permitted. NO Hydro Steering and must not strengthen the car

48. Aftermarket gas, shifter, and brake pedals are permitted. Must not strengthen the car in any way

49. Aftermarket trans coolers or ice chest will be permitted

50. NO PRE BENDING back bumper. You may notch or dimple the rear frame rail.

51. Headers are permitted if you don’t run headers we recommend the exhaust be ran off the manifolds to under the car.

52. No protector of any kind on motor, trans, or rearend. No halos!

53. Roll over bar is allowed. Must run straight up off back bar straight across the roof and straight down to back bar. No bigger than 2”x2” square tube. No kickers to roll over bar.

54. roll over bar can attach to the roof in 2 places. Can be bolted with 1⁄2” bolt, no more than 4” away from the roll over bar.

55. You may modify factory tie rods may use a piece of angle or rebar on the backside of tie rod. No aftermarket tie rods.

56. If it’s not in the rules don’t do it!! At any point of time before, during or after the derby the inspectors have the right to re-inspect your car.

57. CONTACT: Zach Haner (740)-794-0454 for any questions pertaining to the rules.

58. You May have 4 1⁄4”x4x4 fix it plates on fresh cars. Pre ran 6 plates. You can’t cut these off once placed on. No double stacking of plates! Must be at least 1” gap between welds on the plate.

59.Official decisions are final!

Pro Modified Stock Car Rules

For Questions about Pro Modified Stock Cars contact Zach Haner at (740)794-0454

Basic Rules

Any year American made cars. No limos, Hearse, trucks, vans, buses, convertibles, or 4x4s Must remove all glass from car, no glass in bottom of doors. Molding, trim, lights & fiberglass must be removed.(“No loose material in car at all.”)Approved helmets must be worn. Neck braces highly recommended. No drugs or alcohol allowed. Seatbelts must work and be worn. Must have working brakes. No painting of frames, or seam welding of frames. NO refunds. Final decision is officials’ discretion. All cars are subject to re-inspection at anytime!


1. Motor swapping is permitted. (“Protectors: mid plate, lower cradle with pulley protector are allowed. DP, fan guard and halo aren’t allowed.”) Cradle can bolt into rubber mount or solid mount. Mounts can be after market.

2. Solid approved motor mount can be used and can be welded to frame cradle. NO more than 7” permitted.

3. (“Ski cradles with the 3 bolt plates.” Are a permitted solid mount)

4. You can either bolt or weld motor mount in. NO other plate or metal, chain, wire, bolt, or weld permitted to tie in cradle unless stated in the rules.

5. (“Must be at least 1” gap between lower pulley protector and sway bar!”)


1. After Market bell housings and tail shafts are permitted. Tranny braces will be permitted: You can run the aftermarket bell and tranny brace, these can’t strengthen the car in anyway. (“No other plate or metal, chain, wire, bolt, or weld permitted to tie in tranny, aftermarket bell, or brace permitted!”)

2. Cross member has to be within 12” of factory location. Can weld 3”x3” angle 7” long max to the side of the frame to tie in cross member.

3. Cross member: You can use factory or either a 2”x2”x1/4”tubing or 3”x1/4” c channel max as your cross member. Cross member must run straight across. (“Must be bolted in with rubber mount or 1/2” thick piece of rubber between cross member and tranny.”)

4. After market shifters permitted.



1. Must be factory frame you can shorten to the edge of the front body mount

2. Front plate 3/8” x 4” x 15” must be on the outside of the frame toward the tires. must start from the back of the bumper.

3. You can swap wish bone arms out for old style. Arms can be welded down in 2 spots each A arm with 2”x4” 1/4” thick plate, top A arm only!!!

4. You can change out shocks to 1” all tread max! Any rear end allowed. Rear shocks must be bolted in factory location and can’t tie into the body!

5. On 98-02 if watts links are used must bolt into packing tray only can’t bolt threw the body have to be 2 separate mounts 7x7 max. Trailing arms can be replaced with 2”x2”x1/4” max lower trailing arms must mount in the factory location or on the inside of the frame you can use 3”x3”x1/4” 6” long to make a mount

6. Trailer hitches must be removed.

7. Tie rods are allowed to be reinforced, with 1/2” rebar or swapped out with aftermarket.

8. (3/8” x 6” x 22” hump plate permitted. Leaf spring cars 3/8”x6”x11” hump plate. Can mount straight or contour frame, and has to be centered in the hump. Must not tie into rear end, 2” gap from rear end”)

9. Ball joints can be replaced with aftermarket. You can notch rear of frame. No aftermarket spindles you can reinforce factory spindles .

10. (“cold bending pitching or pre bending of frame is permitted. “) Can only pitch it in one spot with 1/2” wide weld where you pitch it.

11. No moving front frame mount and shortening fenders period.

12. Up to a 10” spacer max under core support, bottom side only. Can’t go up through the core support can be welded to core support and body mount .

13. Front Body mounts can be 1” all thread, and go up threw to the hood and count as 2 of the 6 hood bolts.

14. Factory leaf spring cars only no leaf conversions. Leaf springs main leaf must be on top, 7 leafs 5/16” thick max, 4 clamps max. Spring must be stair stepped 1” each spring.

15. you can have 4. 1/4" x 4” x 4” fixit plates on a fresh cars and 6 4x4x1/4 plates on pre run cars Plates must be 1” apart and no you can’t weld the 1”gap together

16. Clipping of frame is permitted with approval before hand.

17. If you run a sway bar it must be in the factory location, you make bend the ends to bolt to the lower a arm with a 1/2” bolt you cannot weld the sway bar or weld anything to the sway bar. NO PINCHING, CREASING, WELDING, PINING, OR ANY THING ELSE DONE TO THE FRAME OTHER THEN STATED IN THE RULES!!!

17. Any tire, bead locks, and rim guards permitted.


1. Any bumper permitted cannot go past the end of the frame

2. After market bumpers are permitted, factory bumpers can be loaded.

3. Homemade Pointy bumpers must be no greater then 12” point from back flat must part out to the front and spread out over 32”. 8”x8” tube max!

4. Bumpers can be attached with 6”x 6” x 1/4” plate max. Must be between the frame and bumper.

5. Bumpers can be attached one of two ways. You can do one or the other, not both! Hard nose no shock inside of frame or welded to the factory shock

6. No shortening of the frame of Cadillac or imperials to hard nose.

7. Rear Bumpers can have 1/4” x 4” x 15” Plate from back of the bumper down the outside of the frame toward the tires.

8. No Chrysler style pointy bumper used for a rear bumper.

9. Bumper height 22” max from bottom of bumper to ground, lowest 14” closest point of frame to the ground in rear.


1. You can have 4 down legs inside the body compartment only! These must run straight down to the frame. You Can’t have any gussets off these. And must not go past the kick pan in the rear section.

2. Doors maybe welded 5” on 5” of skip welding. Hood can be bolted in 6 spots no more then 1/2” bolts. Can weld angle iron 4”x4”x1/4” max on hood to bolt hood together. (“Angle iron can’t strengthen the car in anyway”)

3. Radiator protector: you can use one or the other. A/c condenser or 1/8” sheet metal, Bolted in 4 places with 1/2" bolts or with 4 1” welds. Body creasing is permitted, rear quarters can’t be tucked down into trunk. Wheel well can be bolted in 3 spots with 1/2” bolts.

4. Radiator must remain in factory location. Can use after market radiators.

5. Drivers door only can be plated with 1/8” thick skin and welded all the way around.

6. (“Trunk lid must remain bolted in factory location and must be factory to car”) You can tuck or crease trunk. Trunk lid can be skip welded 5” on 5” off. (“NO WEDGING OF TRUNK LID!”)

7. Speaker deck can be removed, but you can’t weld the trunk to the packing tray .

8. Trunk lid must have 8” inspection hole in center of trunk lid. Hood must have 12” inspection hole. Headers are permitted.

9. Batteries must be secured down in passenger side of car. Can’t use box to reinforce car in anyway.

10. Body mounts can be changed 5/8” bolt max, with 3”x3”x1/4” washers max they may be welded but must be centered on the Body mount. Body must have 1” gap from frame. Body mounts can be either, hockey puck, stack washers or spacer. Must be 1” thick (“IF BODY IS SUCKED TO FRAME YOU WON’T RUN!”) Gas tank must be removed: after market gas tank, fuel cell, metal boat tank must be used and relocated in the back seat of the car and secured down.


1. Must be at least a 4 point cage 6x6 max!

2. (“Gas tank protector is allowed and can touch the packing tray. It maybe welded or bolted in two spots 1/2” bolts max. Can be no wider than 32” across.”)

3. Dash bar must be 5” away from center most point of fire wall and must have 1” gap off the tunnel.

4. Back bar must be within 4” of door post pillars. Side bar can’t go more than 12” past center of pillar.

5. Roll over bars must straight up and off back bar, and can’t be used to strengthen the car in anyway cannot be more than 4” off of B pillar .

6. Transmission coolers and oil coolers are permitted but can’t be used to strengthen the car in anyway.

7. Front window bars can either be 3/8” x 3” flat bar or 2”x2” tubing. Can only be welded no more than 6” on the fire wall and roof, back window bars can be 2x2x1/4” max and can be welded 6” on roof and 6” on trunk no other metal can be added

8. Center bar is allowed, but must be atleast 2” off the tunnel. No other brace allowed off the center bar!

9. Gusseting cage is permitted; gussets can only tie into cage nothing else. Cage must be at least 12” off the floor pan.

10. After market steering columns, gas pedals, tranny coolers, battery boxes are permitted.

03And newer:

1. Frame must remain factory, no shortening. Cradle swapping must be bolt in cradle. And must have a 1⁄2” gap from the inside frame rail. No tilting or cold bending of frame. You may swap out front spindles with older ford/GM style spindle.

2. Suspension and steering components must remain stock except for tie rods and steering column

3. No strengthening or reinforcing the rack

4.(“No other plate or metal, aluminum, chain, wire, bolt, or reinforcing permitted to cradle!”)


Mini Vans/ Trucks/SUVS Street Stock:

For any questions contact Billy Estep at (567)230-3608 or Tim Clark at (740)272-1188


  • Any American-made 1980’s & newer mini vans, trucks, and SUVs ONLY. No hearses or limos allowed.

  • Helmet, seat belt, long sleeves/pants and eye protection must be worn at all times on the track.

  • Any questions call first. If it doesn’t say you can, DO NOT DO IT!!!

  • Cars must be stock.

  • ABSOLUTELY No painting of the frames.

  • Must have a 12” x12” roof sign that does not strengthen the car in any way.

  • Car must be swept clean of debris and glass before coming to event.

    • The following must be removed prior to entering the fair grounds: windows, headlights, taillights, All chrome and Mirrors.

  • Do not strip under the hood. Battery may be left in stock location, but you may put a rubber mat over it or spray with foam around it not excessively. Do not spray form on anything else.

    • You may move the battery to the floor inside the car. You may lengthen the cables to reach the battery on the floor not the wiring harness. This will be strictly enforced!!!!

  • Judges Decisions are final!!!! All cars are subject to re-inspection at ANY time.

Car Building

Must be 100% Stock

No cross breeding. Entire drive must be the same make as the car (Chevy to Chevy, Ford to Ford, and so on). Must appear to be factory engine to car with stock exhaust.

  1. Engine must be mounted with stock mounts in stock position. No welding of mounts, must be bolted only.

  2. No homemade cross members. Cross members must be stock and bolted in, not welded.

  3. Doors must be chained or wired. No more than 8 places per door the wire from the bottom of doors, may go around frame. You may use 5/6” chain or 2 strands of #9 wire per hole.

  4. Trunks must be chained or wired. No more than 8 places; two of these may go around bumper and/or frame.

  5. Trunks must be open during inspection!!!!!!

    1. Car must have deck lid and or tailgate. No welding or adding metal. Trunk lid must be in stock location. No tucking, Wedging, pre-bending, smashing, folding, or anything else you can think of. No welding washers for holes.

  6. Hoods may be wired or chained in 8 spots. You may use 5/16” Chain or 2 strands of #9 wire per hole. It must be sheet metal to sheet metal only. No welding washers for holes. Must be 12” hole in hood in case of fire. Remove hood latch!!! Hood must be open for inspection.

  7. Any tires permitted; double tires permitted. NO foam filled tires & no valve stem protectors.

  8. You may leave stock gas tank in stock location or you may relocate the fuel tank to the rear floor of car. If this is done, you must use a fuel cell or boat tank. No fuel tanks allowed inside of car.

    1. Must only have 3 gallons of gas. You may be asked to drain it if the gauge doesn’t work.

  9. Windshield may be left in car OR you can remove windshield.

  10. NO CREASING ON THE BODY IS ALLOWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Stock type springs and shocks. No solid suspension. SCREW IN TYPE spring risers ARE OK, NO wire, chains or any weld on rear ends or rear spring pockets. Cars must bounce & cars must be STOCK!!!!!!

  12. You must use factory rear end for the car you are running.

  13. You may weld spider gears in rear end to make it posi. No gears are allowed. You must use stock axles. You are not allowed to change the gear ratio or use after market axles. This will be the driver’s responsibility to prove they are not changed.


  1. You may only use an 80 & newer bumper on car. It must bolt on in the factory location and you may collapse the shocks and weld all the way around the shock and the plate to bumper. Dec Bumpers are permitted. Ends must remain open. No metal added to bumper allowed. If car has no shocks bumper may be welded directly to frame with no metal added.

  2. On the back side of bumper where shock mounts, you may use a 1/4”x6”x6” piece of flat metal to create a flat mounting surface.

  3. If the car has a wiring harness in front of core support, you may move it behind the core support.

  4. All body bolts must be factory stock, no altering permitted.

Read all rules and follow them!!!
It will be a cheap, easy build. Any questions call!!!
There will be no stretching or bending of any rules or you will either run in the modified class or go home!!!!
Judges Decisions are final!!!!

Powe Wheels (Kids Rules):

Ages 4-10

  1. The stock battery can be replaced with a 12-volt mower battery only, it can be positioned anywhere inside the car and covered. Not in the passenger seat!!!!

  2. Secure the doors and hoods with a bungy cord or rope so they don’t come open.

  3. Seatbelts are not mandatory, but recommended. Helmets are mandatory though.

  4. Any rollover bars will be allowed if we feel they are safe and don’t reinforce the cars. Bring your saws.

  5. You can put screws in tires for tractions if it is safe.

  6. DO NOT make the power wheels go any faster than factory or you will not be permitted to run.


Modified Lawn Mower Derby Rule:

  1. you must have stock tires and wheels

  2. You cannot change pulleys (Factory)

  3. You can have leg protectors down the fender to the frame. 2x2 tubbing or pipe can be welded or bolted with 1/8 inch sheeting for leg protection. Battery must be removed before starting mower.

  4. Gas tank must be secured with a strap in factory location. You can reinforce grill under hood with 1/2 inch angle.

  5. If the mower quits, turns over, or catches fire, YOU ARE OUT!!!

  6. DO NOT hit the rear of the mower behind the driver or you will be disqualified.

Additional Information:

To find the Pro Stock, Mini Stock, and Pro Modified rules, go to Facebook and search for 333 Derby Promotions. At the top of the page click files and folders, and there will be three PDF files available to look at and download.

To find the street stock minivans, trucks, SUVs, and Power Wheels rules, go to and then scroll down to the class that applies to the one we are having at our fair.

Inspections will start at 5:00pm and the derby starts at 8:00pm.

Entry fee for the V8 stock, Mini Stock, Pro Mods, and mini Vans/Trucks/SUVs is $60. The entry fee for the Modified Lawn Mowers is $40. The entry fee for the Power Wheel Derby is $10.